1-Creating a Matrix using note pad :
A MATRIX is a collection of random numbers shown in green colour it can be made in Windows and Macintosh by creating a file showing random numbers in green and saving it as a file with .exe extension.1st Open Note Pad
2nd Copy and paste the code given below and save it with name matrix.bat
you can replace matrix with your desired name but don't forget to place the extension .bet after
your desired name.
3rd After saving open the note pad and see the magic!
@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start
2-Creating a personal Diary using note pad :
This a simple and cheap technique to create a personal diary using note pad which would save your notes with date!
Plus that using this diary you won't have to enter date and time! it will save your note with its own date and time!
1st Open note pad and type the following code in it.
2nd Do not change the upper case or lower case of the code and do not give any spaces before the code.
3rd Save the note pad and every time you open it and type your notes you will see the current date and time and your last written note.
3-Creating a fake windows ERROR using note pad :
This is an awesome trick used in note pad. In this trick the window will display a run time ERROR and will ask you to shut down your PC immediately.
Don't worry this wont damage your PC and you can close this message any time you want if you don't want to shut down your PC.
You can perform this by the following steps :
1st Open note pad and paste the Code given below in it.
2nd You can replace the word Message Here , and the word Title Here with your own words.
3rd Save the file with name error.vbs, You can change the name of file error
X=Msgbox(“Message Here”,0+16,”Title Here”)
4- Force shut down your PC :
This trick will let you to Force shut down your PC fast and on one click.
1st Open note pad.
2nd Paste @echo off in the first line
3rd In the second line paste *Shutdown computer
4th In the third line place -c“Sleep Tight”-s
5th Save the file with any name but with .BAT extension.
6th Save the file and then test it ,it will automatically shut down your windows.
5- Creating a password protected folder using note pad :
Bored of finding software's that will lock your file?
If yes then this trick will help you to create a strong and un breakable password protected folder!!
1st Open note pad.
2nd Copy and paste the following code in it
3rd replace www.mmtwhiz.blogspot.com with own desired password.
4th Save the file as private.bat and as all files (*.*)
5th Open the application and it will create a folder.
6th Place your files in the folder and then type y in the allocation of private.bat and hit enter.